Norman Nawrocki

TO BUY BOOKS from Les Pages Noires >>see here!

NORMAN NAWROCKI is an internationally acclaimed, Montréal-based author, actor, violinist, cabaret artist, educator & producer. >>go!

BANDS Indie, ambient, edgy world beat, electronica, wedding/divorce, East European instrumental, experimental jazz. Norman performs solo and with his bands like DaZoque!, The Montreal Manhattan Project, SANN, The Flaming Perogies, Bakunin's Bum, Rhythm Activism. >>go!

CATALOGUE Buy Norman's CDs, books, DVDs, cassettes. >>go!

PUBLIC SCHOOL WORKSHOPS As an artist in Québec's 'Culture in the Schools' program, Norman teaches kids & teens (kindergarten to high school) how to use their own natural talents for writing, acting, singing and performing.

CREATIVE RESISTANCE WORKSHOPS Have fun & learn how to use music, theatre, comedy, and the arts for radical social change. >>go!

TOURS Norman solo or with his bands. >>go!

BOOKS Fiction and poetry, in English, French, Italian >>go!

UNIVERSITIES + COLLEGES Video clips, reviews, testimonials about Norman's healthy relationships hit comedy cabarets. >>go!

LES PAGES NOIRES (LPN) is a non-profit Montréal publishing, recording, production & distribution project dedicated to helping create & disseminate dissident, freedom-loving, anarchist-inspired culture that promotes social justice. >>get the latest news!

“Every city should be so lucky to have a Norman Nawrocki”
- The Montreal Mirror