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Updated: 2/20/01

Information for Contributors

Microsoft Word style templates for Articles and Reviews are available for download. Using these saves us time!

All materials submitted are considered for publication. Manuscripts and artwork should be addressed to the editors at the address below.

Preparation of manuscripts.
(a) Submit three copies. (b) Enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard for acknowledgement of receipt. (c) Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope of appropriate size and adequate postage. (d) All copy must be typed, double spaced on 8 x 11 white paper. It is helpful if the left margin is 1 inches and the right margin at least 1 inch. Pages should be numbered consecutively.

Disk copies. We prefer manuscripts on disk. Send one paper and one disk copy. Let us know the word processing program you are using.

Biographical note. Write two or three sentences (not more) about yourself.

Footnotes and notes. Use footnotes only for substantive comments, not bibliographic references. Bibliographic citations should be identified in the text by author, year, and pagination, e.g., (Bakunin, 1864, p.10). The full reference should be placed in an alphabetical list of citations following the text. It should be typed double spaced.

Illustrations. Draw with black ink on heavy white drawing paper. Submit copies, but retain the original. Photographs should have a glossy finish, with sharp contrast between black and white areas. If illustrations are accompanying text, then insert a location note in the manuscript where you want the illustration, e.g., "Place photo #1 here."

Reviews. Two copies of your work will go to two associate editors familiar with your area. They will be asked not to return the ms. The editors will forward all reviewer comments to you.

Editing. We may edit your paper. If the editing is extensive, the paper will be returned to you for your approval, correction, and retyping. Galleys or page proofs are not provided.

Reprints. Contributors will be sent three free copies of the issue in which their contribution appears.

Book Reviews. The selection of books to be reviewed is made by the editors and associate editors. Persons interested in reviewing a particular work should query the editors.

Letters. The letters section provides a forum for discussion of matters of general interest to our readers. Keep them short and to the point.

Social Anarchism
2743 Maryland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21218