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L'anarchiste et le diable:
<< Fascinant! >> - Tony Tremblay, Bande à part, Radio Canada
<< C'est beau, c'est trés beau! >> - Marguerite Paulin CINQ FM, Montréal
<< Une impeccable traduction. >> - Le Couac
The Anarchist And The Devil Do Cabaret
An incredible collection of writings from the indefatigable anarchist raconteur, sex(ism) workshop producer, activist and poet. Loosely based around a European tour with his anarchist cabaret band - Rhythm Activism - this is much more than a collection of journals. Though it is partly that. With wit, candor,and the skill of a true storyteller, Nawrocki weaves simple tales of life, history, travel, resistance and revolution into a coherent tapestry of a life on the road, a life of revolt, and a life steeped in history, tradition, and culture. Truly wonderful." - Free Republic
Rebel Moon:
Many of the pieces have the roughness & shimmer of raw silk"- The Gazette, Montréal
"A truly exceptional offering of creative resistance."- Briarpatch, Regina
"Nawrocki proves he has a uniquely impressive ability to empathize with pinpoint accuracy"- The Echo, Vancouver
"A lifetime of finding politics & poetry in the street & taking them back there in revitalized & articulate form"- The Province, Vancouver
"This book is fabulous"- CTV News, Montréal
"Good agitprop"- The Georgia Straight, Vancouver
"Fearless"- Morningside, CBC Radio
"Raw"- Radio Canada TV
" A rendezvous with poetry & a breath of freedom"- Rebelles, Montréal
"Never a doubt about the clarity of Nawrocki's voice...(it) kicks the heads of authoritarian society"- Montréal Mirror
"One of the most important pieces of political art this decade"- Vice Magazine, Montréal
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Dinner for Dissidents

Lunch for Insurgents

Breakfast for Anarchists |
L'anarchiste et le diable |
 The Anarchist and the Devil do Cabaret |
No Masters! No Gods! |

Chasseur Tornades |
 Rebel Moon |
Norman Nawrocki has written and published several books of fiction and poetry in both English and French with publishers like Black Rose Books, AK Press, Lux Editeur, etc. He is also included in numerous anthologies ('City Lights,' 'Rebel Musics,' 'Resist!' etc.). Most of his books are available from any reputable bookstore worldwide, in public libraries, or directly on-line from Les Pages Noires Distribution. |
Dinner for Dissidents
More rabble-rousing poems, songs and lyrical musings from Montreal's celebrated rebel wordsmith. This third volume in Nawrocki’s ‘Brain Food Trilogy’ also contains new original, compelling art by Caro Caron, Gord Hill, Matta, Tournesol Plante, Poderiu, Jesse Purcell, Tôma Sickart, Maurice Spira, Tania Willard—and a recipe. Includes poems about racial profiling, repression in China, war resisting, Cub Scouts, globalization casualties, on-the-job direct action and more. A book for anyone craving new ways of thinking towards a world without rulers and ruled.
80 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", illustrated; ISBN 978-2-9805763-1-7 Price: $12 plus shipping
Lunch for Insurgents
Another incendiary poetic collection of insightful commentary, oral molotovs and daring fantasies from the rebel wordsmith arguing why a socially just, war-free, healthy world here and now, should be on everyone’s ‘to do list.’
Includes original, compelling art by Canadian artists Caro Caron, Gord Hill, David Lester, Matta, Maurice Pressé, Maurice Spira, Benoit Tremblay, Tania Willard, Yvetta Wu from Hong Kong and Poderiu from Portugal.
80 pp; illustrated; ISBN 978-2-9805763-0-0
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Breakfast for Anarchists is Norman Nawrocki's newest collection of rebel verse, fantasy, rant, short fiction and anarcho agit prop recipes.
It contains over 30 stirring, provocative capsules of Nawrocki's trademark wit, passionate rage, love and reflection.
Also includes original artwork & photos by North American artists Linda Dawn Hammond, Albo Jeavons, David Lester, Maurice Pressé, Benoît Tremblay, Miriam Verburg and Zazalie Z.
Breakfast for Anarchists is Volume I of 'The Brainfood Trilogy' Volumes 2 + 3 will be Lunch for Insurgents and Dinner for Dissidents.
In bookstores June 30, 2007, 80 pages, $12, or from Les Pages Noires
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L'Anarchiste et le diable Voyages, cabarets et autres récits ( LUX Editeur , 2006) is a 300 page French translation of his last book of short stories, 'The Anarchist & The Devil Do Cabaret'. It's available in better bookstores everywhere, from the catalogue page, or from luxediteur.com
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Normally, I'd hide my diary under my bed, hoping no one would dare look. Here, now, I ask you to take a peek. Flip the pages. Read what happens when my bandmates and I decide to inject a bit of imported, Canadian anarcho rock 'n roll into the outstretched arms of Europe. Live, as 'Rhythm Activism,' we perform high grade political cabaret guaranteed to shake, rattle and question. How? We take the best of traditional European cabaret, combine it with the worst of American TV, throw in cutting-edge and traditional music full of surprises, add some slapstick, costumes and masks and underpin everything with a serious social message. We also get people dancing - from Berlin to New York.
---Click here to read excerpts---
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'NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to Dream,' by Norman
If you're feeling powerless in front of
lying politicians, thieving corporations, and Jeep Cherokee mindsets,
then read anarcho-cabaret author/agitator Norman Nawrocki's
NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to dream.'
NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to dream' is Nawrocki's third collection of urban tall tales, short fiction, 'news' poems, dreams, rants and rhymes. It pulls together new unpublished work and pieces from some of his theatre musicals and cabarets. The result: another timely shot of what he calls 'creative resistance' for all those aching for radical social change.
He writes about 'velorutionaries,' 'east end kids,' squeegee punks old and new, hackers, mutineers, and plain hungry folk who question the right of 'neo-neanderthals' in suits and ties to institutionalize misery. In 50 pages of sometimes satiric, sometimes poignant prose, he exposes the everyday injustices that ordinary people suffer in the name of 'profits' and greed and offers a vision of how things could be different.
Nawrocki writes about the growing frustration and anger of those below who are tired of State platitudes and corporate apologists, and want radical changes - now. He also writes about lousy lovers, Québec nationalism, homophobia and the future of Montréal.
---Click here to read excerpts---
'NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to dream'
(cover design by MECCA NORMAL's Jean Smith) is distributed in the USA &
Europe by AK Distribution, and in Canada, directly by the publisher, GET TO THE
POINT/SMARTEN UP! PUBLICATIONS, #304 - 1320 Salsbury, Vancouver, BC, V5L 4B3,
Canada ( tel/fax 604-253-8106).*
NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to dream
by Norman Nawrocki
1/2" by 8 1/2", two colour cover, stiched with dust jacket cover
ISBN 0-9697112-2-0 Price: $9.95
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Chasseur Tornades:
rêves, soupirs et sacres vers un monde libertaire
The first collection in French of anarchist inspired short fiction, songs and poems from internationally celebrated cabaret artist & writer Norman Nawrocki. Includes pieces about "Ronald Fucking McDonald;" squatting; direct actions on city buses; anarchist waitresses; polka riots; forbidden love.
Depuis les jungles du Chiapas jusqu'aux ruelles de Montréal, Chasseur de Tornades nous entraîne dans son tourbillon de légendes urbaines et de cansons rebelles.
Il bascule sur son passage les mythes médiatisés d'un immuable ordre social, laissant derrière lui une seule alternative: emvosager un monde passionné en pleine révolte. Chasseur de Tornade est l'envers anarchiste du cul-de-sac quitidien des McJobinnes et de l'ordre du jour des grandes entreprises.
--Click here to read excerpts--
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Rebel Moon
RA lyricist/vocalist Norman Nawrocki's riotous first book, published by AK Press. Samples the best from his prolific output since 1986.
New unreleased material & pieces from his recordings, theater musicals & cabarets. A lively & timely shit of "creative resistance for those aching for radical social change.
Rebel Moon is a "cabaret on paper" of dangerous poems and forbidden words. It's also an anarchist critique of injustice and a call to action - direct action.
Within is a vision of a world without bosses, lousy lovers or supermarket rip-offs, where our wildest dreams of freedom are offered back to us as legitimate possibilities. Witty, informative and hard-hitting, Rebel Moon helps catapult a culture of resistance into the 21st century.
Poems from Rebel Moon have been translated into Persian, by an Iranian Anarchist Journal:
"Neither God NOR State Nor Bosses"
NAKHDAR: A Persian Anarcho-Communist Journal Spring
2002 Issue#2
NAKHDAR POBOx 380473 Cambridge Massachusetts
02238-0473 USA
--Click here to read excerpts--
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