"Thought-provoking and real, honest and 'fall out of your seat' hilarious. You talk about the things that people are thinking, but too afraid or embarrassed to mention, but these are the things that people NEED to talk about."
- Sarah McCardell, Sexual Assault Survivors Support Line (SASSL), York University, Toronto
"Entertaining, funny, educational, tells it like it is.
I have received many positive comments from the student population."
- Lugene Young, RN
Assistant Dean, Health Services, Nova Scotia Agricultural College
"Lessons from a 7 foot penis' " Norman Nawrocki blew into our little AC for his comedic and educational presentation on sex for one of our house challenges during frosh week. There was a good turnout and wonderful attitudes and participation from the attending AC students who responded enthusiastically to his on-stage antics, skits and stories. There were first time embarrassing sex stories, skits on dating pressure, stories on date rape and self defense and tips on how to be a great sex partner. Norman was open to discuss all types of people's preferences whether it be bisexual, straight or homosexual. Most of his show required willing volunteers to do things like pose as a vuvla or a penis or act in a dating skit. He also required a lot of audience participation to make sure his lessons were getting through to everyone.
Overall the presentation was a big hit and I'm sure everyone would agree that Norman is welcome back again next year to share his lessons. A big thanks to all the front row participants!!:
-- The Golden Ram, Nova Scotia Agricultural College
'Thank you so very much for performing in Thunder Bay. As usual, your show was fantastic. You have a true gift for connecting with audiences, and your animated style is both engaging and thought provoking.'
- Shannon Cruickshank,
Gender Issues Centre Director,
Lakehead University Student Union
'A hard act to follow'
- The Telegram, St John's, Newfoundland
'You were a pleasure to work with
and your performance was fantastic!'
- Maggie Wray, Social Wellness Awareness Team,
Grant MacEwan College
'A tremendous success!'
- Katherine Giroux-Bougard, VP Academic,
MUNSU, Memorial University
"Deals with date rape, domestic violence, homophobia and safe sex in ways that make all the issues approachable and accessible to the audience"
- Imprint, University of Waterloo
"I really loved the show. I felt that you were able to be both provocative
and sincere. You discussed some very serious issues in a humorous way
and really challenged what and how people think about sex, self-worth and sexuality.
There was a great balance between providing the facts and getting the audience
to laugh at themselves and our eroto-phobic puritanical society. It turns out that all I needed to get over my misconceptions around sex and sexuality was 2 double A batteries, and a
little Norm Nawrocki. I take my pants off to you to for a hilarious, witty,
cutting edge show!"
- Jessica, Rye Pride,
Ryerson University
"Shoulder-shaking, hands-hiding-face humor that strikes a chord
of truth, it was a learning experience for all. It should
be required material foranyone sexually active or planning to be."
- The Chronicle, Kwantlan
University College, Richmond, BC
"Men, if you've ever thought you could
be better lovers,the person to ask for help is Norman Nawrocki.'Lessons
from a 7ft Penis' doesn't disappoint."
- Kamloops This Week, BC
"Norman's show brings sex and sexuality
to a whole new level
while keeping the audience thoroughly entertained."
- Matt McLean, Entertainment
Coordinator, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC
Watch clip of 'Lessons from a 7ft Penis' now!
(3-4 minutes, mpeg) |
• Sexual myths
• Sexual techniques
• Safe sex
• Pleasing women
• Pleasing men
• Pleasing oneself
• Date rape
• Homophobia
• Love Tips 101
• Sex toys & love
• The art of loving
• Better relationships
• Sexual harassment
• Gay & Bi -sexuality
• Bi-curiousness
• Sexual guilt
• Repressed sexuality
• Sexual pleasure
• Sex for singles
• Better sex
• Better relationships
WHAT YOU NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX If you thought you knew everything you ever needed to know about sex - laugh and think again! Norman Nawrocki’s ‘Lessons from a 7ft Penis,' will have you nodding, elbowing seat-mates, and chuckling out loud, wondering why you didn’t think about this the last time you were in bed.
This newest acclaimed ‘sex comedy talk’ from one of Canada’s leading & most entertaining sex advocates has helped people coast-to-coast understand, improve and enjoy their sex lives. Read the reviews & testimonials!
In this thought-provoking, funny, straight-forward presentation, Nawrocki gets up close, inter-active with the audience, and delivers facts, insights & common sense perspectives on sex and sexuality. The result: a hilarious, provocative, thoughtful exploration of everyday common sexual experiences.
He uses his trademark non-homophobic & non-sexist humour to address basic questions about sex, and then helps demystify common myths & preconceptions about sexual health, safe sex, gay/straight/bi sexuality, dating, anatomy, oral sex, first-time sex, romance, STIs, behavior and communication in bed. He offers refreshing new perspectives for better, healthier, more relaxed sex.
His explanations about anatomy & hygiene and suggestions about techniques, tenderness, consideration & sexual etiquette guarantee the show will help anyone become a better, more sensitive, more respectful lover!
Part actor, educator and comedian, Nawrocki alternates between delivering an animated presentation and engaging in question and answer exchanges with his audience. He’ll request volunteers to come on stage to help illustrate basic human anatomy, or invite audiences to participate in gut-splitting ‘sexual’ warm up exercises. To add to the laughs and self-reflection, he performs short extracts from each of his three previous shows, playing men & women - straight & gay - or ‘just confused,’ in typical dating or erotic encounters.
The mix of theatrical showmanship with rudimentary sex info is non-threatening and contributes to promoting healthier, informed attitudes towards sexuality. Anyone can relate to the everyday, common sexual truisms that Nawrocki explores. Everyone has had their share of ‘Oops!’ moments under the covers.
Almost stand-up comedy, ‘Lessons from a 7ft Penis’ is an entertaining & totally engaging sex lecture, unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard before.
Show sponsors normally rave about Norman’s ability to connect with audiences. With ‘Lessons’, he doesn’t disappoint. Audiences are left laughing & thinking – respectfully – about the issues.
Post-show, Nawrocki is often thanked by audience members. They say that what they’ve learned will help them better understand and work on their relationships, or even ‘come out,’ or enable them to accept and understand other people's sexual diversity. People even say they now know where to find their own 'G' spots!
Audience members often tell him he's 'got guts,’ ‘got balls,' for daring to speak out about important issues that are rarely discussed in public. Nawrocki chalks it up to 'common sense for complicated times,' and the truth that 'who can argue with a 7 ft penis?'
‘Lessons from a 7ft Penis’ grew out of Nawrocki's 12 year career touring North America with his three other hilarious and acclaimed anti-sexist, anti homophobic, 'sex-positive' educational sex comedy cabarets, 'I Don’t Understand Women!,’ 'My Dick & Other Manly Tales,' and 'Sex Toys!' With these shows, Nawrocki gets hundreds of thousands of fans to laugh and re-think their own pre-conceptions about sex and sexuality.
A sexual trail blazer, Nawrocki is renowned across the continent among educators and health professionals for his non-threatening, effective and highly praised 'sex' work since 1993, helping spread strong messages against date rape, sexual harassment, violence against women, gays and lesbians, homophobia & hetero-sexism. His shows promote safe, respectful, loving sex for everyone.
‘Lessons from a 7ft Penis’ continues this important sex advocacy.
For this show, Norman needs a microphone, a sound system, and a chair. He can perform in a club, a classroom, a lecture hall, or on a stage. After the presentation, he invites questions from the audience.• |
Lesson well learned:
Seven foot penis has a good head on its shoulders
By Stephanie Oliver, The Xaverian, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Students were sure to "turn off their cell phones and vibrators" last Thursday when this one-man show from Montreal took the stage in the MacKay room.
The crowd in attendance quickly got over their embarrassment when Norman Nawrocki shocked their systems. By playing some of the 14 characters from his four sex shows including Virginia the Vagina, the Giant Butt Plug, Bob the Bum hole, and the Seven foot penis, this inclusive and interactive show covered topics of gay, lesbian, straight, and confused sexuality. He explained his goal is to help all people "be better lovers."
Asking the audience about their own experience in learning about sex and relationships, he addressed problematic myths. He took on Bush's abstinence approach the "thou shalt not fuck" policy and the Maxim-ized idea that moves like The Shocker and The Jackhammer (volunteered by an audience member) constitute romantic sex.
On the topic of assumed heterosexuality, he gave audience members examples of comical conversations between a father and gay son, and a mother and lesbian daughter in an effort to tune students in to the reality of these awkward experiences.
Mocking both high school sex education and the phallo-centric focus of sex, Nawrocki became Mrs. Robinson, instructor of Clit Class 202. Tracing the alphabet on their nose helped a few experimental audience members.
Nawrocki also introduced a new definition of foreplay as the time from when you last had sex to when you have it again. He suggested using the space in between to be caring and affectionate with your partner, which creates a more fulfilling relationship.
There were more lessons learned than the positives of safe sex. He made sure the audience understood that no means no by re-enacting a rape scene and offering a different ending. Instead of tragedy, he gave a few pointers on how to get out of an aggressive situation.
In an interview after the show, Nawrocki spoke candidly about his own experiences and starting point for his career in sexual awareness. He was spurred into action after a female roommate admitted being harassed on the street was a common occurrence.
He posted signs for a free sex discussion at his apartment. Good advice led him to hold the event at McGill University and 300 people attended. His first show, "I don't understand women!" tackled sexual harassment and violence against women, and kick-started his career as a sex show cabaret artist.
Nawrocki encourages both women and men to "speak out and ask for what they want in bed and outside bed as long as they are respectful."
He believes the show gives people a chance to view sex "through different perspectives. Now they'll go out for a beer, talk about the show and discuss the issues."
A lesson well learned.
And two emails he received from audience members:
'Tonight, as I was watching your show Lessons from a 7 Foot Penis,
and hearing you talk about the importance of women
having sexual pleasure, about our right to experience
pleasure, my jaw kept dropping.
I asked myself: "Is this what I've been missing?
How come sex with my boyfriend lasts only
10 minutes? And he doesn't spend any time on me!" By the end of your show, I made up my mind to leave him and
find somebody else who would pay more attention to my needs,
but then, something incredible happened.
When we got home, HE DID A 180 DEGREE TURN AROUND!
He did EVERYTHING you suggested a partner could
do to please a woman! He spent HOURS on me in bed!
Pleasing me! EVERY WAY POSSIBLE! It was unbelievable!
He was a totally different, totally changed boyfriend!
I couldn't believe that after listening to you for two hours,
a guy could change that much, BUT HE DID! How did you do it?!
He even let me put my finger up his bum hole, something he NEVER
let me try before! We had the BEST sex ever!!!!
Thank you for saving our relationship. Thank you for helping
my boyfriend learn how to do things differently.'
- a student, Memorial University, St-John's, Newfoundland
"I was at your seven foot penis show tonight.
Firstly, you flapping your hands as a giant vagina was probably one of the more memorable moments of my life!! the whole show was so fucking hilarious! I really like the humor that is blatantly talking about taboo things!
Secondly, the date rape scene was very well done, it hit the point home in a way that no one there had ever seen before. At the time I was wishing that you wouldn't have something so harsh in the middle of a comedy routine... looking back though, I'm glad that you did. I'm sure that the concept of date rape has finally dawned on many a manly man because of it.
Thirdly, the advice and free condoms.. superb! I only wish there had been more guys there to hear it! Those few were very, very lucky.'
- a student, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia